Here’s another page I love. Writing this whole Silver Age sequence was a blast, and the decision to have recurring flashback segments throughout the series soon became a no-brainer. In particular, I relished the chance to tackle Zarthos’ purple prose […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for fabu-lad
I’m not sure if you’ll get the full effect of this page in isolation, as it’s one half of a two-page sequence that acts as a kind of double-page spread montage in the printed edition. Here, our two narratives collide, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This battle isn’t going too well for Alex. Things get increasingly gory here, with the pages just splashed with blood and grue. Aside from Bill Finney’s colorful language, it’s probably this sequence that would make the first issue a hard […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is a quiet page. The purpose of this was basically to just take a moment for a breather and allow the reader a moment to dwell on the tragic events of the previous page before pressing on with the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I love that top panel! A really dynamic training montage with The Standard and Fabu-Lad, donning the costume for the first time. Readers with good memories may also catch a call-back to a line that the adult Alex would go […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tyler James here again, with another THE STANDARD guest post. Here we’re presented with another flashback page. This page reminds me how important a great letterer is to a project like this. From the old school caption to immediately clue the reader […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Often in comics, it’s the little details that make all the difference in the world. Here, we have common six panel grid, cutting back and forth between past and present. Little details such as the caption boxes, the rounding of […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chills, am I right? At conventions, when I pitch The Standard to potential new readers, I sometime work myself up to the point where I get chills myself pitching the book. “…So, what THE STANDARD is really about is this […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Here, we get what might seem like an upbeat, funny scene, with The Standard humiliating blowhard TV Man and sharing a message about the true meaning of supeheroes. But our end focus on Fabu-Lad’s clenched fist makes us leave the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Standard #6 – Page 2
I don’t know what the hell was going through my head when I wrote this issue’s flashback sequences, but as you’ll see as this chapter progresses, they were packed with some of the most demented imagery of the whole series. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…