The Standard #3 – Page 15
I think this page still remains one of my proudest scripting achievements. I took great joy in the sheer volume of stink-related puns I was able to cram into this page. “You nose me well” and “You felonious, farting fiend” are my personal favourites!
Today, we have a special announcement. At last, a date has been confirmed. On Tuesday May 26th, 8 days from now, the Kickstarter for the hardcover graphic novel of THE STANDARD will be launched.
I’m really excited and a bit nervous about finally taking this last sprint for the finishing line and getting the series collected, but I hope those of who you enjoyed the comic – or have been enjoying it in the form of this online serialisation – will consider backing us. Before that, you can also aid us in getting the word out by joining in our social media blitz on Thunderclap. If we meet our goal of 100 supporters, everyone who agrees to share our message promoting the Kickstarter’s launch will automatically share the same post at the same time on Facebook and Twitter, meaning that this project will launch with a resounding mic drop that will send tremors throughout comic book social media feeds. We want to give this project as big a platform as possible, so all help is appreciated!
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