The Standard #3 – Page 12
Another impressive splash by Jonathan Rector! Look at the level of detail, the number of kids in there! I remember Jon drawing this page, and I can tell you it took quite a while to get all that detail down. I’d gush about it more, but there’s an even more impressive splash page coming up!
Funny story. When I first wrote this splash page, Piper says, “You must feel a bit like Alice right now… down the rabbit hole.” And I was so pleased with myself, thinking, “Ooooh, what a clever line you’ve come up with, John.” Then in his edits, Steven Forbes pointed out, “This is a line from THE MATRIX.” And of course it is. Morpheus says it. But I’ve not seen THE MATRIX in years. So my brain took in this line, kept it stored in my subconscious, then recycled it as if it was my own thing. It’s scary how easy that can happen when creating stuff!
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